
Delicious and juicy orange fruit contains an impressive list of essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals for normal growth and development and overall well-being.

Botanically, the orange is a citrus fruit belonging to the family of Rutaceae of the genus; Citrus (which also includes pomelo, tangerine (mandarin orange) and grapefruit). Scientifically the fruit is named as "Citrus sinensis".

LimeThe health benefits of lime include weight loss, skin care, good digestion, relief from constipation, eye care, and treatment of scurvy, piles, peptic ulcer, respiratory disorders, gout, gums, urinary disorders, etc.

The first fruit that comes to our minds when it comes to medicinal uses is perhaps the good old lime.

PeachesA medium peach 75 g (2.6 oz), has 30 Cal, 7 g of carbohydrate (6 g sugars and 1 g fibre), 1 g of protein, 140 mg of potassium, and 8% of the daily value (DV) for vitamin C.[21]

Paw PawThe pawpaw plant is a native of South America, where it was cultivated since Pre-Columbian times. There are 22 plants and trees in the pawpaw genus; the famous of which is carica papaya . Pawpaw is one of God’s wonderful gifts to humanity. It is a pharmacy in its own right. We all eat it and enjoy its sweet and pleasant taste but how many of us know the medicinal value of this plant?

BananasBananas are the fruit of a plant of the genus Musa (family Musaceae) , which are cultivated primarily for food, and secondarily for the production of fibers that are used, for example, in the textile industry. they are also cultivated for ornamental purposes.

AvocadoHealth Bit - What Avocado & Pears Mean to Women

Health Tip of the day:

What immediately comes to mind when you look at an avocado or a pear? Think deeper and look harder: you might see a resemblance of the human female womb and cervix (picture an upturned pear or avocado and compare them to the female reproductive anatomy in your biology textbook).
